Tim Gray
Characteristics – Proficient readers
What characteristics do proficient readers show in the classroom? In a perfect world, every student is reading independently and at grade level expectations. We do not live in a perfect world. It is important to know what successful readers look like in the classroom. The instructional standards guide planning and instruction, but not necessarily what … Read more
Valuable student data
Valuable student data is based on the teacher’s value of the data. Valuable performance data answers questions about student learning, provides feedback on growth, or gives insight to effectiveness of instructional practice. Performance data is neither right nor wrong. It is valuable or not. The value comes from the data’s ability to answer questions or … Read more
Instructional meetings
Different teachers, different skills sets, different students, and distinct personalities. If your staff holds regular planning sessions, you understand. Team or department planning meetings create a consistent learning environment, not an identical experience. Simplify the methods to decide your focus for an instructional cycle. Excessive planning and control kill momentum. We usually blame a lack … Read more
Reading to Learn transition
What skills should our students have when they begin independently learning from reading informational text? Sample list: How can we measure our students’ ability to read content specific text? Most content diagnostic assessments measure knowledge, not the skills needed to learn from content specific text. Fluency is not equal Fluency in language arts will not … Read more
Lost learning time?
How much time did they spend urinating instead of learning? In the elementary grades, I started Back to School Night or the new version Parent Information Night, with a math problem for the parents. How many school days are in the year? Most did not have the exact answer but were close. The standard year in our … Read more
Love learning gaps!
Gap prevention is much easier to manage than intervention. Monitor gaps between intended and actual Gaps are everywhere on a school site. Most school district plans do not match the intended success. Embrace gaps When we embrace the gaps, it provides opportunities to improve instruction and achievement. Students and teachers never finish learning, and we … Read more
Advantages of Teacher Driven Interventions
Teachers know the learning gaps Support and develop classroom interventions to close learning gaps. Advantages of a teacher designed intervention. Classroom identified learning gaps use recent data generated by the students during the learning process. State or district assessment data is useful, but better informs systemic or institutional decisions. It makes sense to base a … Read more